


5 Insights about Yann Sciberras

Yann Sciberras stands as a French artist with a global presence, spanning Europe, Asia, and the US…… It's no wonder he's in our "Certified Master" category ! And once you lay eyes on his artworks, their unparalleled uniqueness ensures instant recognition.

Here are 5 insights to unlocking the essence of Yann Sciberras's art :


#1 Unmistakably Punk

Rooted in Punk culture, Yann's art embodies this ethos, proudly showcasing recurring motifs like characters sporting mohawks. His style exudes a yearning for spontaneity and simplicity, rejecting ostentation. With direct tones, a restricted color palette, and an unfussy yet intense structure, his pieces captivate with their striking authenticity.


#2 Engaged and Unapologetically Critical

Yann’s penchant for engaged and critical messages about our society also comes from Punk. Yann uses his painting to express his anger, his revolt against the absurdity of our society. War, urban violence, the cheap and demeaning culture that television spews out, human madness that destroys everything starting with our planet, or our dependence on social networks. Through subjects and words that punctuate his works, Yann seeks to awaken us!


#3 Unclassifiable

Neither pop art, nor comics, nor street art, you can't pigeonhole Yann... He has his own style, boldly asserted, which makes him very recognizable. Whether embraced or challenged, his works evoke strong reactions, fulfilling his intention to provoke thought. Rooted in contemporary themes and driven by a commitment to freedom of expression, he transcends boundaries, even extending his art beyond traditional canvases to everyday objects like gas pumps…


#4 Yet Optimistic

While distancing himself from the nihilism often associated with Punk, Yann remains inherently optimistic. Despite acknowledging societal challenges, he rejects the notion of a bleak future. Instead, he advocates for our collective capacity for positive change. We just need to wake up from our torpor to act, react, become aware.  Through his art, he urges viewers to awaken from complacency, offering hope and vitality through vibrant colors that defy darkness.


#5 The Anecdote

Yann was among the 100 international artists selected for the launch of Art Universe in partnership with Apple Vision Pro – a totally innovative application offering a new experience of art and discovery through augmented reality of artists' works… worth testing: [link to the website].



Yann's acclaim extends to being among the select group of 100 international artists chosen for the launch of Art Universe in collaboration with Apple Vision Pro -  a groundbreaking application which offers a novel approach to experiencing art and discovering artists' works through augmented reality. Try it :  https://www.artuniverse.app/

Article published by Julien ARBELAITZ